Frost Wing

Frost Wing is a free desktop puzzle game. Meet Frost Wing, the cutest penguin on this side of the North Pole. Frost Wing is a magical, mischievous penguin who has lost there way and needs your help to get him back home. The world of Frost Wing is that of devious and exhilarating platform-based puzzles and it is up to you and you alone to figure them out and help Frost Wing make it back to their igloo palace of solid ice. In this platform puzzle game you can only move left or right and jump up. You must also use your mouse to manipulate the platforms, blocks, and sliding obstacles that stand in front of Frost Wing. This is a challenging three-dimensional puzzle game that will require lots of trial and error before you are able to actually get Frost Wing to their frozen home. Some of the puzzle elements will require you to move or shift the blocks in real-time as you also guide Frost Wing. Some require you to figure out the puzzle before you move Frost Wing. It is up to you to figure out the best path forward at this trying time.

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